Planet terror Wiki
Planet terror Wiki

Planet Terror OST-El Wray - Robert Rodriguez

El Wray

El Wray is a song featured in the film, it is part of the Planet Terror soundtrack.

Music Info[]

The song is track number eleven. It is composed by Robert Rodriguez.

In The Film[]

The song is heard while Wray is brought to the Police Station and as El Wray is given guns as requested by Sheriff Hague.

Next Song[]

Police Station Assault

Previous Song[]

The Grindhouse Blues

See Also[]

El Wray

The Bone Shack

Sheriff Hague

Planet Terror (soundtrack)
Soundtrack Planet Terror (soundtrack)
Composer/Artists Robert Rodriguez - Graeme Revell - Carl Thiel - Rose McGowan - Nouvelle Vague - Rick Del Castillo - Rebecca Rodriguez - George Oldziey
Songs Grindhouse (Main Titles) - Doc Block - The Sickos - You Belong to Me - Go Go Not Cry Cry - Hospital Epidemic - Useless Talent 32 - His Prescription...Pain - Cherry Darling (song) - The Grindhouse Blues - El Wray (song) - Police Station Assault - Dakota (song) - Zero to Fifty In Four - Fury Road - Helicopter Sicko Chopper - The Ring in the Jacket - Killer Legs - Melting Member - Too Drunk To Fuck - Cherry's Dance of Death - Two Against The World